Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Lesson in Humility

I heard a story that put a smile on my face and also taught me a valuable lesson.

Johnny was trying to sell a car. He had posted it in the newspaper and a pottential buyer was on his way over to take a look at the car.

As Johnny was backing the car out of the garage in order to get it ready to show, he accidently hit the corner of the garage. The front end of the car, in the quarter panel area aquired a small dent.

Bewildered by the turn in his luck, Johnny, along with his brother, who was also present, tried desperately to fix the dent.

They grabbed a hammer and quickly tried to hit the small dent out of the quarter panel, from the inside.

It was tough however, because, as you may realize, it is not easy to fit one's hand and a hammer behind the tire of a car, toward the back side of the panel.

As Johnny and his brother were struggling with the dent, Johnny's wife walked out of the house.

She asked the two men what they were up to. Without looking up Johnny explained the situation and the urgency in trying to solve the problem, before the pottential buyer was going to show up.

Johnny's wife, who knew nothing about cars, chimed in her two cents.

"Why don't you take the tire off the car, so that you have more room to work with in hammering out the dent, and after you hammered out the dent you can place the tire back on the frame."

Johnny thought for a minute and then snapped at his wife.

"Are you trying to teach me how to fix a car? What do you know about cars anyways?"

As soon as Johnny's wife stepped back into the house, he and his brother did just as his wife suggested. They put the car up on a jack, took off the tire, hammered the small dent out of the panel and then placed the tire back on.

I thought it was humorous how Johnny was too proud to follow his wife's advice, which was better than what he had come up with, and then followed her advice once she left.

I think this is sometimes a 'man' thing. It is hard for us men to humble ourselves about certain things even though it would be beneficial. Is there any areas in which us men can humble with ease?


Don Kimrey said...

Thanks for visiting my site and for leaving your address. I looked over your work and want to encourage you to continue. I've never known anyone from Romania. How did you happen to come to the states? Are you in Washington, D.C. or in the state of Washington. I hope you have great success in the States and hope you will stay clos to Christ and grow in your faith. ~donkimrey

Daniel said...

Don Kimrey,
Thank you for your comments.

Marie said...

Oh, you think only men have a hard time humbling themselves in front of their spouses? For some inexplicable reason, I still get annoyed when my husband corrects my mistakes when I write in Bulgarian (his native language). Check out my entry of last month "Laptops and Respectable Sins" - I nearly burned down the house. I was so embarrassed and humbled by his chastisement I couldn't pray for days.

Laura said...

Hello, Daniel,

There is an understanding in my household (I am outnumbered three to one in the gender catagory) that if I want my guys to do something, I must make them think it was their idea!

That said, we women have our fair share of that pride thing too...just in different areas.

I enjoyed reading about the meaning of your blog. I love to play with words, and your description of just that struck a chord with me.

Grace to you...

Daniel said...

Don Kimrey,
Sorry I forgot to answer your questions. My parents brought the family here when I was about seven.

I live in Washington State in the city of Kirkland (Seattle area).